Daily Devotional

FaithWriters Great Multitude Christian Daily Devotional - Accept Jesus as Savior

HOT ROLLERS – Connie Heiser

“While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22 KJV)

I've always used hot rollers to do my hair. A few years ago I needed a new set. I commented to my daughter that I needed some just in conversation.

She had recently moved out of the house to pursue her college degree and was living on her own. She had purchased a home and worked on the side. We had always gone to church and learned of God's Word of sowing and reaping a harvest.

One day to my surprise she brought me a present. It was a new set of hot rollers. I remember giving her a big hug, and she told me she needed some things and wanted to sow the rollers as a seed.

Sometimes we might not understand the real meaning of sowing and reaping, but if we think about it, it’s like when we plant a garden. We plant tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, and on and on – and expect tomatoes beans and cucumbers, right?

The Bible says “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7 KJV)

Every day we sow and we reap. It takes time and determination to let the seed grow. It's our job to plant good seed. God tells us in Luke 8:15 KJV that having a good heart after God is good ground.

The life we live today consist of seeds we've sown in the past. No one wants to reap a crop of thorns so we need to keep watch over our tongues because “out of the abundance of our hearts the mouth speaks” (cf. Luke 6:45).

My daughter did not reap a harvest of hot rollers. She did however, reap all she needed materially. Seeds come in all forms. Words. Money. Attitudes. Love. Hate.

May God Bless you today with abundance of all the good seeds you’ve sown.

The bad ones, yeah, probably need to dig them up and throw away!

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